Monday, December 18, 2006


It seems like everyone I know has gone or is going to Germany on vacation.

Ryan Liebe was there a few months ago, Jason Slye is there right now, and Jeremy Earnest is going in a week.

I haven't been to Europe since the Summer of 1998. I had a good time when I went, but I feel like I missed out on a lot of fun. One reason for this is that I went alone. This meant that I didn't have anyone to explore with. I stayed with Jason's GAPP exchange student Lisa and her family, which was better and cheaper than staying in hotels. Problem was that Lisa lives there, and it is hard to be excited about the place that you have always lived. It would have been nice to have experienced it with someone else. The second reason that I feel like I missed out on fun is that when I went, my girlfriend at the time was militant about hating alcohol. Not to say that I didn't drink and smoke when I was there, but I wasn't anywhere near the alcoholic I am now.

I would love to get back to Europe, especially Germany, soon. I feel like I have all but lost my ability to speak the language, despite my German minor. I wish airfare wasn't so expensive.


Ally said...

i will let you drink and smoke there. TAKE ME!!!

Judith Ann said...

Come on over, I'm only an hour out from Germany. And believe it or not, Ireland has good beer too! Much darker though, with a thick white head. Strange stuff it is...magic drink.

Tyler Long said...

Only if we can tour the St. James Gate Brewery

Anonymous said...

Dude. We should go. Like for reals.

Tyler Long said...

it won't take convincing to get me to go ... only money

Shanny said...

I think judith is my new favorite person and I don't even know her!! Lets GO!!