Friday, March 30, 2007

these last few days

Wednesday night Adam and Shannon came down for the Mastodon show. It's always fun to see them, we all get along really well and have a great time. The concert was great. It was in a smaller venue and it was packed. The opening band, Priestess was surprisingly good and of course Mastodon was extremely tight and brutal. Their songs always sound more tough live than on CD.

Unfortunately I woke up the next day with a killer headache and a sore throat. Adam and Shannon had to leave early in the morning. I had asked for the day off from work, so I rested and waited for my headache to go away. It ended up being a nice day ... around 70 degrees and sunny. Ally and I went to Costco and had a cheap lunch and bought a giant bag of coffee beans. After that, we went back home and I mowed the yard. It wasn't fun, in some spots the grass was up to my knees.

I am glad that my day off coincided with good weather, especially since the weather report is showing rain this weekend. I can't imagine if I had let the lawn get any longer how much it would have sucked to mow it. As it is, I am extremely sore today from pushing the lawnmower through the thick grass.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

maybe things aren't so bad afterall

A few good things have been happening lately. I'm not sure yet if they make up for the bad things, but it's nice to have positive things happening in my life.

First of all, Jaime moved out of our house. It's nice. The house is less full with just Ally, Tim and I. On top of that, Tim got to move out of the tiny bedroom, no one in the house smokes pot anymore, and we have an extra room for when friends come to visit.

Secondly, we are refinancing the house and consolidating our debt. In a week or so we will own the car outright, not have anymore credit card debt, and be saving about $500 a month for these expenses. This should give us some extra money to make up for having one less roommate, and hopefully allow us to save up money to fix things around the house.

As an added bonus of the process of refinancing the house, the house was appraised at a value about $20,000 more than I thought it was worth and about $45,000 more than the bank thought it was worth (I think they were smoking crack). This is great since in consolidating our loans, our loan is now going to be worth more than it was originally. Hopefully the market continues to rise like it is predicted to and when we decide to sell the house we make a good profit. We could use that money to buy a newer, nicer house and/or move to another state like we've been talking about doing for years.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

a worried parent

Ally didn't work yesterday, so she came downtown to have lunch with me. While at lunch she told me that Odin (our dog) had been throwing up a lot. I've had enough dogs to know that they throw up once in a while, so I didn't think very much of it.

A bit later in the day I start talking to Ally on gmail messenger and she tells me that the dog is still throwing up a lot and also has really bad diarrhea. Ally calls the vet and takes Odin to the vet. I take the bus to meet them there after work. The vet tells us that he is severely dehydrated, which is to be expected, and that his temperature seems normal. They had to run some tests and put him on an IV. Unfortunately they were closing soon, so we had to leave him there overnight.

It was weird not having the dog in the house last night, especially not sleeping next to us. It's really easy to notice when a 90 pound dog is missing. It's weird again this morning as my daily routine involves taking him outside and feeding him.

All we can do now is wait for the vet to call and tell us what is wrong. I hope he is alright, and whatever it was has passed. I hope he is feeling better, and he can come home today.

Monday, March 12, 2007

note to self

For next year's birthday, crawl in a hole and hide from people. This way, drama can hopefully be avoided.

Also, Ally is right about having people over to the house. This assures that you can better control who you are hanging out with.

When going out to bars, do not leave a small radius from my house. This assures that I will not see people I don't want to see since there are no "cool" bars in my neighborhood.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

pinch me ... i must be dreaming

I'm super excited about seeing Mastodon on March 28th at the Hawthorne Theater here in Portland. The last time I saw them I didn't know much of their music and went more to see Converge than Mastodon. They blew me away, and have become one of current favorite bands. I can't wait to see them in a smaller venue, especially now that I am more familiar with their music.

As if this show wasn't good enough, they have just announced another tour in May.

They will be playing at the Roseland Theater on May 4th with .... get this ... Against Me!, Cursive, and These Arms are Snakes.

Holy shit!!!!!

While I think that these four bands are all extremely different in style, they are all great live and this could end up being an amazing show. Who am I kidding ... it will be an amazing show!

Monday, March 05, 2007

hell yes!

It's over 60 degrees outside and I'm home early due to a doctor's appointment.

It finally feels like Spring!

Unfortunately the weather forecast shows temperatures below 50 and rain for the rest of the week. At least this is a good prediction of what is to come. Or at least let's hope so.