Saturday, March 29, 2008

it's Spring ... isn't it?

It snowed yesterday. It's almost April and it snowed in downtown Portland ... a lot. It was really weird, and cold.

Slye came up last night from Eugene to see his friend's band play. I went with him downtown to Kelly's Olympian and had a few beers and hung out. There was some problem with the sound at the venue, and the band didn't start until after I left so I have no idea what they are like.

I didn't drink that much last night, but I woke up this morning with a raging headache. I took Ally to school and then came home with the idea of napping on the couch. I turned on the TV and got caught up watching The Universe. It was too interesting to fall asleep to. Eventually Slye came over and we went to get breakfast/lunch. We went to a Pho restaurant and had some salad rolls and pho. It was so incredibly delicious, and my headache/hangover disappeared almost immediately. After we ate, we went to Jim and Patty's coffee shop (the original owners of Coffee People) and had the best Cafe Americanos that I have ever had.

Now I'm back on my couch relaxing. It's been a pretty decent day so far.

delicious hangover cure

1 comment:

Shanny said...

Tyler, you look real good! And, so says the pregnant lady, so does your pho!! wink, wink