Thursday, July 10, 2008

anybody out there?

The one thing I hate about having a blog is the paranoia it brings about in me that no one is reading. This feeling is only heightened by the fact that I don't ever get any comments. I feel like I am typing this stuff out for me and Ally to read and no one else. I hope that isn't true.

I've been back to work for almost a week now since my week off. The week has gone quickly, and the mini-vacation I took seemed to do exactly what I hoped it would ... help me relax. I seem to be less tense at work, and less tired when I get home from work. That's exactly what I needed.

Last Sunday, we tried to have a BBQ since the weather was nice and Shain and Deana were in town still. The problem is that we decided to start it early (2pm) in an effort to not keep Tim awake too late since he starts work around 5 in the morning and usually goes to bed around 7pm. I'm not sure if this is simply too early for most people, or if we legitimately forgot to tell people, but only 2 people showed up before 5pm, and they were both Tim's friends. Even after 5, not too many people showed up anyway.

I guess another big reason for the low turn out at the BBQ is simply that Ally and I are too busy these days to really have too many good friends. Of course we have friends, but it's not like it was in college or even when we were 25. There simply isn't time in anyone's lives these days to spend too much time just hanging out. The same goes for our friends and acquaintances too. Everyone has their own schedules and their own lives to live. It wouldn't seem so bad if I had a legitimate hobby that I spent time working on ... or if I knew how to work on projects around the house. I spend a lot of time while Ally is at work and Tim is sleeping watching TV or scouring the Internet looking for any and all new info on the Oregon Ducks football team. I can't wait for August 30th, when the Washington Huskies come to Eugene for the first game of the season.


Shanny said...

Tyler I know how you feel, not a lot of comments on my blog either, but you can't be insecure people read our blogs, they have to... they love us and are attracted to out presence!!

I too do not have a hobby, but having a baby around helps. I find it hard to pass the time.

Unknown said...

Yr blog is on my google reader! But, I do know what you mean about people commenting. I found out about a handful of people who read my blog that I didn't know about, simply because they've never commented. LAMESAUCE.

Judith Ann said...

I've got ya bookmarked...however I admit that I don't check it every day.

Krystin said...

I read it you big baby!

Just kidding. I feel the same way about my blog, but I am comfortable with a small readership.

I've been too busy to even check the internet lately...that's the beauty of a vacation I guess.

Anonymous said...

Ryan and I read it atleast once a week!

Where I Lived and What I Lived For said...

And you.
I was planning on sending you a postcard six days ago, telling you that I read your blog.....
But that ship has sailed.

Ally said...

oh eric, such a jokester!
tyler- i read your blog. but mostly because i want to make sure you are not talking shit about me....because you are a shit talker. hey everybody, read my blog too! i cuss more and i tell people were to shove it! its part of the charm you know and love so well