Thursday, October 12, 2006


I had to call in sick to work yesterday. I had a fever all day and went back and forth between sweating and being cold. I used so much tissue that my nostrils are raw and sort of bleeding today. It was absolutely no fun. I don't have a fever today, so I am back at work, but my nose is still a bit runny and I'm still sort of stuffed up.

Feel sorry for me.


Anonymous said...

Sorry you're sick dude, that sucks.

Flu shots are only 18 dollars at Costco!

Tyler Long said...

nothing says awesome like warehouse priced flushots!

thanks for feeling sorry for me

Anonymous said...

No prob dude.

If you want I'll dress up as your nurse for Halloween.

Tyler Long said...

a sexy nurse?

Anonymous said...

hey I am totally sick too. Going on some anti-biotics (like a robot) to make me feel better.

And Yes Adams sexy nurse "costume" works!!

Tyler Long said...

i hope the sexy nurse (shudder) is taking good care of you and keeping the robots away. Robots eat old people's medicine for fuel