Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I miss daylight saving time

I left work last night and it was already getting dark. By the time I got home, it was night time. How depressing. I liked it better when I would return home from work and still have a few hours of daylight left. Now it just feels like I am wasting the day at work. I can't come home and get anything done outside. I don't have a light in my backyard, so even chopping wood for a fire is difficult.

Don't get me wrong, the weather has been nice lately. Perfect autumn days with cold crisp air and no rain. I'm just upset that I don't get to enjoy the weather before it turns into Portland's 6 months of grey skies and drizzle.


Anonymous said...

It was 28 degrees outside when I got up this morning.

You can keep your clear, crisp days.

Tyler Long said...

i'd take that temperature and a big, comfy, warm jacket over 95 degrees or higher anyday

Anonymous said...

yeah it sucks! now i have to dodge traffic on my bike in the dark. I have a bike light but really...i mean come-on...

how was the halloween par-tay?

Halloween here is like our 4th of July. I went and saw M.Ward play and then stayed up watching fireworks. crazy stuff.

Tyler Long said...

the party was crazy! at least what i remember of it and what people have told me is crazy!

Tyler Long said...

but you also hate heat

you're difficult to please

Anonymous said...

The party wasn't just crazy, it was PUNCH drunk crazy!

Anonymous said...

am I the only one who realizes that we are in daylight savings time now... so how do you miss it?!?!

but i heard that standard time misses you tyler!

Tyler Long said...

first of all, shannon, it is daylight SAVING time ... not SAVINGS

and second of all, it BEGINS in April and ENDS in October

so you're incorrect ... sorry

check Wikipedia


Anonymous said...


since I don't obsess about wikipedia as much as you and adam, i don't have a clue whats going on in the world I guess.


Tyler Long said...

it's okay ... i just don't like being wrong

Anonymous said...

well you know, I don't think anyone likes to be wrong.