Wednesday, February 20, 2008

holiday weekend

I had a 3 day weekend because of President's day.

I wish I could say that I took full advantage of it and had an eventful weekend full of exciting things to blog about, but I don't.

That's not to say that I didn't have fun at all, or that I merely sat around all weekend. I did get out of the house and managed to have a little fun, just not as much fun as I probably could have if the weather had been a little warmer. The sun was out and it was beautiful, but there was a constant cold wind blowing that made most outdoor activities not very appealing.

Ally and I went to a tattoo convention in Vancouver, WA on Saturday night. It was pretty small, but it was interesting. There are definitely some really good tattoos and artists out there. Unfortunately there are way more bad ones. We entered into a few competitions, but failed to win a trophy. The tattoos that won were legitimately amazing, so it doesn't feel too bad having lost.

Sunday night we went out with Eric and Krystin to an amazing Japanese restaurant called Ichidai. I had pretty much written sushi off after a few less than desirable experiences, but after this, Japanese will be a viable option from now on. Ally hates seafood, and even she had some sushi and sashimi. I was proud of her for trying new things.

Monday was beautiful outside, so Tim and I went for a walk in order to get out of the stuffy house for a while. It was nice. Like I said, the cold wind was present, but we walked at a quick enough pace that I actually worked up a little sweat. That might just be because I am out of shape though.


Shanny said...

Tell Ally I am soooo proud of her!!

You too Tyler, you sweated a little!!

Such a good weekend!

Judith Ann said...

...but there was a constant cold wind blowing that made most outdoor activities not very appealing.

That's what pubs are for!

Tyler Long said...

you got me there Judy ... unfortunately most pubs here are too dark to waste the daylight in