Friday, November 30, 2007

I'm bad at this

I am not sure why I am so bad at updating this thing. I guess sometimes I think that my life isn't interesting enough for anyone to want to read, and other times I wonder if anyone even reads it (only a few people comment). It isn't necessarily that nothing is happening in my life, I just forget to write about them.

Since I last updated you all I got more work done on my tattoo, I went to Seattle for about 5 hours to watch the Seahawks beat the Chicago Bears, Thanksgiving came and went, and as of yesterday Ally and I have known one another for 5 years.


Judith Ann said...

I still read it :)

I know what you mean though, when i talk to people they always tell me how they always read my blog and love it....yet they never comment.

lurkers, i tell ya...damn lurkers.

Anonymous said...

I read it too! I feel the same way about my blog as well, but sometimes it is just nice to get your thoughts out

ps thanks for telling us you were up here!

Tyler Long said...

I really was in Seattle long enough to park, go to the game, and eat dinner ... there wasn't enough time to hang out. Sorry.

Shanny said...

I think that adam and I eat dinner sometimes (wink)