Monday, June 04, 2007

a weird coincidence

First off, let me give you a bit of a backstory.

My sophomore year of college, I lived with Joel Young and Brent Patterson in Eugene. There were these 2 guys that lived across the street. Their names were Ian and Jeff and they were from Idaho. They always had lots of friends over, including a guy named Sean and a girl named Kristen (or whichever spelling she uses). I wouldn't say that we were all close friends, but we all got along and hung out pretty often between our two houses. Later on I ended up having a few classes with Sean since he was an art student as well.

Okay, fast forward now to last night.

Toby invites us over to his sister and brother-in-law's house for a barbeque. I feel sort of weird about it, because I generally don't like to impose, but we go anyway. As we walk out on to the back porch, Toby introduces us to his sister Kristen .... the same Kristen that I used to hang out with 9 years ago! She recognized me right away with a friendly, "Hey I know you!" How odd that Toby and I have been hanging out for the last year and half and have become pretty good friends, and I never knew that I used to be friends with his sister. Her husband grew up with the guys from Idaho that used to live across the street from me, and their friend Sean was at the barbeque too.

It just proves how small Oregon is. There is a real 6 degrees of seperation in this state.

It was fun catching up with everyone and hearing what they've been up to over the years. Even if I hadn't known these people before, they were all really nice and we had a really fun time.


Where I Lived and What I Lived For said...

maybe you should change your blog title to "Sweet Blog o' Mine"
Slash would be so proud.

Tyler Long said...

damnit! that is definitely a better name