Monday, November 20, 2006

hospital fun

I don't work this Monday (today) through Thursday (Thanksgiving) this week. On top of me being gone from work most of the week, one of my coworkers got a new job and her last day was on Friday. Not wanting to leave the remaining two people in my department with a bunch of work on Monday, I decided to stay late on Friday and make sure that everything got done before I left.

But alas, that wasn't meant to be.

Ally called me and told me that she wasn't feeling well. What she had assumed were cramps in her stomach had become worse than she had ever felt, and she was feeling nauseous. She tried to call a few people to get a ride to the Urgent Care Center, but no one was available so she drove herself. They took her temperature and a urine sample and then told her that she needed to go to the emergency room because she needed a bunch of tests. Apparently they aren't good at fixing people at Urgent Care, they are just good at scaring the shit out of people.

Ally called me from the emergency room and sounded really scared. They told her it would be at least a 2 hour wait before she could get in to see a doctor. I left work early and took the bus to the hospital.

When I got there, Ally's friend Erin was there and Ally looked calmed down. Erin got us coffee and Ally water and we all three waited for an eternity to see a doctor.

Once finally in a room, Ally had blood taken, a catheter put in for another blood sample, and a pelvic exam. Turns out that she has an acute bladder infection. Ally assumes it is from too much soda and not enough water. She was given a bunch of drugs, some prescriptions, and paperwork and we were sent on our way.

Even though it was a scary situation, we made the best of it and joked around and tried to have fun. That was a lot easier after Ally was drugged up.

Here's some pics.


Shanny said...

Ally I am soo sorry you were sick! Don't scare us like that!

Anonymous said...

I don't see how they can call a bladder infection cute.

I mean seriously, A Cute Bladder infection? How is a bladder infection cute?

Tyler Long said...

i've never heard that joke before ... you are a comic genious ... a regular michael richards

Unknown said...
